About Us
ScoreUP! Test Prep is dedicated to helping students raise their ACT scores so they can achieve their goals of going to the college of their choice, receiving scholarship and merit-based financial aid, and gaining admittance to selective programs.
All of our ACT Review and Test Prep Seminars take place online in our Virtual Classroom.
Why Prep for the ACT?
College admission departments use standardized test scores as a way of differentiating thousands of applications. A majority of college admission staff surveyed indicated that SAT/ACT scores were “considerably important” in the admission process. Higher test scores will also improve a student’s chances of being awarded merit based aid or scholarships.
Why Online Prep?
Online Test prep is efficient, affordable, and fun! There are no additional time or money costs for traveling to and from the test prep site. The multimedia and interactive presentations that teach content and strategies are more engaging than traditional chalkboard lectures.
Why Choose ScoreUP! Test Prep?
- Live, online instruction by top-rated teachers
- Engaging, interactive presentations and activities
- Proven test-taking strategies
- Examples and guided practice problems
- Limited class size, so instructors are able to focus on each student